The Half Machine Lip Moves Facebook Page is Dead

Facebook recently locked my account. I haven’t been able to regain it. I no longer have access to the Half Machine Lip Moves Facebook page, therefore I am declaring it dead. Please don’t send messages to that page or try to contact us there. You’ll just be shouting into the silent and indifferent void if you do that. Our social media is now Instagram at

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Episode 252: 5/26/2024

Half Machine Lip Moves logo with ‘#252’ on it.

This show began with a set of brand new post-punk, darkwave, and synthwave tracks. Then we began the show proper, which was a tribute to the late producer and audio engineer Steve Albini, also of the bands Big Black and Shellac. We played tracks from releases that were recorded, mixed, or produced by Steve Albini, as well as tracks he played on or wrote. Most of it leaned on noise rock and no wave, along with a bit of post-punk, and we closed the show with a set of post-rock, experimental, etc.

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Half Machine Lip Moves is Back, May 26, 2024

Half Machine Lip Moves is back! Tonight, May 26, 2024 at 10 PM-1 AM Central Time [11 PM-2 AM ET/8-11 PM PT/03:00-06:00 UTC]. We’re starting off with some new darkwave and post-punk tracks. Then we’re doing a tribute to the late Steve Albini (of Big Black, Shellac, and producer/mixer/audio engineer on many releases). This one’s going heavy on the noise rock, no wave, and experimental. Listen at the free worldwide livestream at kuhsradio.

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No Show Tonight, May 19

Half Machine Lip Moves won’t be on air tonight. I think we’ll be back next week, but I’m not promising that. Incidentally, much of the next show is going to be a Steve Albini tribute.

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Episode 251: 5/5/2024

Half Machine Lip Moves logo with ‘#251’ on it.

We started this show witha set of new post-punk, darkwave, and EBM tracks. That was followed with a set of post-punk and synthpop with an underlying theme of being stuck and going nowhere. The third block block was a somber one. The fourth block was a set of post-punk, darkwave, etc. tracks themed around magic, because this show was supposed to air around Walpurgisnacht. We played a set of tracks themed or referencing Halloween in the fifth block, because it was about halfway to Halloween. And we finished the set with a track of mostly-new dungeon synth tracks.

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Half Machine Lip Moves Returns to Air, May 5, 2024

Half Machine Lip Moves is back this week! We hit the airwaves/streams tonight at 10 PM Central Time (11 PM Eastern/8 PM Pacific/03:00 UTC) for three hours. We’re starting off with some new post-punk, goth, and darkwave. We’ll have some of our usual industrial, darkwave, post-punk, plus a set of new dungeon synth tracks; a set in honor of it being (a little over) halfway to Halloween, and more! There won’t be a podcast of this show.

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Operator OT Setlist from Club Nevermore, 4/26/2024

I want to say thanks to everybody who braved the elements and came out to Club Nevermore’s fifth-anniversary show on April 26. And I want to thank Clusters of Fornication, Vampire Police, Alien Abstraction, and Summore, and Club Nevermore for having me!

My setlist from that night is below the cut.

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Episode 250: 4/21/2024

Half Machine Lip Moves logo with ‘#250’ on it.

We began this show with tracks by bands that are playing at Vino’s next Friday, April 26. Then we played a block of new industrial, darkwave, and post-punk tracks from new releases. That was followed with a set of of industrial and synthwave. The fourth block was a set of heavy industrial and power noise with a underlying theme of man-made and ecological disasters. The fifth block was a set of experimental and power electronics that continued with the theme of pollution and man-made disasters, and we finished the show with a set of experimental tracks. We also, against all probable odds, reached our 250th episode! Thanks to everyone who listens, whether you’re new or have been with us since the beginning.

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We Hit Our Podcast Host Limit

I attempted to upload the next episode of our podcast and got a message from our hosting service telling us that we’re out of space. Many thanks to our current podcast host for the helpful advice that this was about to happen… Oh wait, there was no fucking warning at all that this was about to happen! What this means: the show won’t have a podcast for a while. We’re going to look at the options and figure out how to go forward.

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Operator OT's Club Nevermore's Set Lists From April 13, 2024

I, Operator OT, want to thank everybody who came out to Club Nevermore’s fifth anniversary event on Saturday (April 13)! My set lists from that night are below the cut…

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